E. M.’s Sunday Ramble – Creativity & Imagination

Photo by Rodolfo Clix on Pexels.com

E. M. Kingston asks questions every Sunday and here are my answers for this week.

When did you first discover your love of writing?

High School maybe? Not sure really, I’ve been writing off and on for forty years, mostly off until lately.

Would you say that you found your imagination at a young age or when you became older? If you want to, share something you discovered with your imagination. (Be sure to copyright your post  )

Young age for sure. I’ve always had a running story going on in my head. Sort of like a true life Walter Mitty.

What is your favorite genre to write about? (Example: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, True Crime, etc.)

Dark fiction. Though I’ll toss in some others whenever I have a fancy to do so.

Do you ever get “writer’s block”? If so, do you have a reason of why it happens?

Oh god yes. I’ll go blank in the middle of writing a word sometimes. Usually when I’m trying to write the ending to a story.

Can you tell me something that I do not know that you do not mind sharing about your style of writing?

Before I sit down and type the first word, I have a great opening sentence or two in my head. I also have about 3/4 of the story mapped out. I usually have no idea how I’m going to end the story until I write it. When I write a story with a twist, it is as much of a surprise to me as it is to the reader.

Once again, great questions. I missed last week, but hope to do these every week.

10 thoughts on “E. M.’s Sunday Ramble – Creativity & Imagination

  1. Hi Matt! I think I am like you in the aspect of writing the story and how to end it. I kind of write on the seat of my pants. I wish I could map like you though. I end up forgetting some characteristics of my characters at times. I have to get better at mapping them and the acts. I enjoyed reading your rambles 🙂 Thanks for joining in again! Happy to have you! Have a great week also!


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